Wednesday, 8 May 2013

More Bill and Ben than Homes and Gardens

I saw this on (now there's a time waster if ever I saw one but it's really good for trying to show Him Outdoors what I mean) and hankered after it.
Today, whilst scrabbling about on my hands and knees under brambles, I came across a wonderful heap of terracotta pots, carefully saved by a previous gardener, and then submerged in the undergrowth. Now I know what I can do with them....................................................

Somehow mine was more like Bill and Ben than elegant pots. I can just imagine Little Weed peering out of the back ...................................weeeeeee - ed.


  1. What a find!

    I think my efforts in that direction would have been a bit Bill and Benish too...and no need to look for will come looking for you.

  2. Well at least you tried. I rather like your's more realistic x

  3. How wonderful to find such great pots, Rosie and i like your attempt. :-)

    Do you find Pinterest worth belonging to? I've thought about it but don't know anyone to ask.
