Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Chez nous

As of next week we shall be the proud renters of this humble abode. A very sweet little house with plenty of room in the garage for our furniture and a lovely view down the valley.

Yesterday, the agent rang to say that, if we would like, the landlord was in town and we could meet him. Sure, I say and an appointment was made. A little later the phone rang and a french woman speaking french v e r y  s l o w l y introduced herself as if I knew who she was and talked of something about the village where this house is. After a bit of tooing and froing I discovered that she was the landlady and would we like to meet at her house rather than the agent. Of course, we would be delighted.

They turn out to be a couple of elderly retired teachers from Paris who have the farm below this house as a holiday home, and had bought ours to stop anyone else buying it.

So if you are invited for something at 2.30pm expect:

A table laid with table cloth and paper napkins, wine glasses, tea plates, bowls and cups on the dresser,
A glass (or two) of sweet white wine
A plate of sweet biscuits
Tinned fruit salad

And lots of kind french chat. As we left there was a perfect rainbow overhead. Good omens for our renting.


  1. Aww, so sweet, Rosie - the little house and the lovely landlords. You won't want to leave when you find your new house. :-)

  2. Yay!! Sounds perfect...and sounds like you will have lovely landlords!

    C x

  3. And now is your chance to find out that despite what people say, ordinary Parisians met in the countryside are very nice people indeed.

    All signals green!

  4. A very good omen.


  5. I'm really pleased for you, Rosie. Step-by-step... Keeping your precious equilibrium all the way!

  6. Thank you Pliers. Happy Christmas to you guys.

  7. Enjoy your time there, it looks cute! and yes the rainbow must be a good omen..

    Happy New Year to you both :-)

    J x
