Thursday, 18 March 2010

Garden 4 - 18 march

Spent morning planting lavenders by the pool. Had to add some soil and a bit of muck to the gravel to give them something to get started in but hopefully they will like the baking.

Cleared one bed and planted onion sets and half cleared another one. Got another crop off the parsley which does really well here. Can get three or four cuttings chopped and in the freezer before it goes to seed.

Him Outdoors has been rejointing the walls at the back of the house which, weather permitting, means that I will be able to get the roses and jasmine that are waiting into the beds tomorrow in time for them to get a good start before the hot weather bakes them.

Got the pots of oleanders out of the shed and they seem to have survived the winter ok. The geraniums look very dead but maybe a bit of water and sunshine will perk them up.

Bought another water butt yesterday for the downpipe at the front. Another very french occasion. Card machine broke in the supermarket. Long wait while man wandered in to fix it and lots of consultation. Eventually went next door and got some cash and paid with that. They did very kindly let us try to see if it fitted in the boot before we bought it.

1 comment:

  1. I am very impressed with your gardening...I'm not green fingered at fact, all I have to do is look at plants and they kind of wither in front of my eyes!!

    C x
