Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Estate agents

Why do estate agents make me so cross?

Our purchasers are pushing for us to confirm a completion date. I email agent to ask a couple of questions about timescales and to confirm the details of what happens if the vendor of the house we have our eye on dies mid deal.

After half an hour of conversation during which I managed to drop in that I am going tomorrow to see a house that a neighbour has told me will be coming on the market, he admits he doesn't know the answer to the questions I asked. But would I like to go and see a couple of totally unsuitable houses?

And ended up with. would I like to come over for an aperatif with him and his wife. Sure I say, that would be lovely. Oh, says he,  I'm fully booked for a while but I'll let you know when.

I think I've answered my own question.


  1. Read to accompaniment of grinding of teeth and strapping on blood pressure measurement device.

    They seem to live in a bubble, oblivious of everything and, despite the regular howls from British working in the field, they can't be hungry for business.

  2. I thought 'How annoying' until I got to the aperitif bit then I thought 'How weird'. Perhaps it's a culture difference. But in other respects estate agents seem to be the same the world over... They do say moving house is second only to the death of a loved one on the stress scale so I'll send you lots of calming thoughts!

  3. Ha Fly he IS British! He did get us a buyer in 3 weeks that has signed the compromis and seems to be dead keen. But since then (large fee from them) has seemed to have forgotten us.

    SS Living in France IS weird :-) We bought our house through him and know him quite well and like him, so actually the apero invite isn't that odd. But they have been to dinner twice here and we've never been invited back so it was the continuation of that that irritated me.

    I don't usually write my irritations about people locally on here - I wonder why I think estate agents are fair game?

  4. The bottom line is that he doesn't have your interests at heart,it's the buyer he'll be keeping in with, the buyer pays his fees.

    He's probably busy having them around for aperos.


